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Daily Resources Overview


According to Forbes, beginning in 2010 the majorcentral banks around the world began to become net purchasers of gold, ratherthan sellers of gold. According to their data in 2017 official sector activityrose 36% to 366 tons. Although the top 10 central banks with the largest goldreserves have remained mostly unchanged over the last few years.

The United States continues to hold the number onespot with over 8,000 tons in its gold vaults. This is equal to the next threecountries gold reserves combined.

However, over the last eight years a trend hasdeveloped in which some of the major players have been slowly and quietlyaccumulating massive amounts of the precious yellow metal.

As reported by Forbes magazine, “ For sixconsecutive years the Russian Central Bank has been the largest purchaser ofgold, increasing its holdings by 224 tonnes in 2017 and overtaking China tohold the fifth spot, according to the 2018 GFMS Gold Survey.”  
25/03/2019 9:00:00 AM

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